Nammakal Biogas

Impact Type

Solution Type

Team Size

Carbon Reduction
About this Project
What is the issue? With a rapidly expanding economy and population, India is in dire need of a reliable and sustainable energy supply to facilitate economic growth and mitigate escalating pollution levels. A major concern is in the Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu, where 60-70% of the state's total chicken and egg supply is produced. The traditional practice of open storage of chicken litter leads to severe environmental and hygienic issues, alongside the release of harmful methane emissions. What is the solution? The Namakkal Waste to Energy Project, a pioneering initiative in India, addresses these issues. This project converts up to 120,000 tons of chicken litter and other organic residues from starch and sugar industries per year into renewable electricity. The generated power is then fed into the southern electricity grid. By deriving renewable energy exclusively from biomass waste, the project avoids any competition with food production, thus providing an innovative solution to a multifaceted problem.
How you can help
Aside from reducing climate impacts, up to 10,000 tons/year of high quality solid organic fertilizer are being produced, supporting local and regional smallholders in implementing sustainable agricultural practices. This in turn increases their crop yields and improves their livelihoods, while respecting the environment.
Fact File
⚡ 30 MW biomass power plant
💨 175,000 tonnes CO2e offset yearly
🌳 Reduces emissions from chicken production
💡40% of energy generated returns to grid
Partnerships & Certification

Furthr Contribution
Annual Carbon Prevented
2888 tonnes
Project Locations
SDG Certifications

Zero Hunger: High quality organic fertilizer, produced from residues of biogas production, improves farm yields and soil quality, thus increasing income to ensure sustainable rural livelihoods for the local population.

Good Health & Wellbeing: Emission reduction of 54.56 tons SO2 and 15.14 tons NO. Studies prove a significant correlation between high concentrations of SO2 or NO and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

No Poverty: As per last monitoring report, more than 100 workshops about sustainable soil management and proper application of organic fertilizer have been provided.

Climate Action: Annual reduction of 20,000 tons CO2-eq. The reduction is in line with India‘s ratification of the second commitment period of the Kyoto protocol and NDCs, submitted in accordance with Paris Agreement.

Clean Water & Sanitation: Replacement of open manure storage at local farms with digestion in closed septic tanks prevents potential contaminations of nearby water resources. No wastewater discharges from plant site.

Affordable & Clean Energy: Production of 20,000 MWh electricity per year increases the total share of renewable energy within the national energy mix and secures local energy supply.

Decent Work & Economic Growth: Nammakal currently hires 21 employees and enforcing international and domestic work safety standards. Additionally, 17 women and men are working at the biogas plant as unskilled workers on daily wages.

Life on Land: 41% of the total land area of the state of Tamil Nadu is degraded. The amount of organic fertilizer sold in 2016 has improved the soil quality of 1,950 hectare of agricultural area.

Partnerships for the Goals: Joint venture supports transfer of revenue share and environmentally sound technology development to India.