Handpump restoration in Eritrea

Solution Type
Carbon Avoidance
Solution Type
Handpump Restoration

SDGs Supported

About this Project
What is the issue?
In Eritrea, 81% of the population does not have direct access to clean water, requiring many to travel for long distances to find water, or alternatively rely on unsafe surface water sources such as rivers or open wells. This lack of clean water and sanitation can lead to health problems and is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the country. The many existing hand-pumps, which could otherwise start helping the people of Eritrea gain access to safe water, are unfortunately not properly repaired due to poor management and costs, leaving people without access to clean water. To avoid contaminated water, Eritreans have resulted to boiling water with emission-heavy methods such as coal burning, resulting to large quantities of GHG gases emitted daily.
About the site
Zoba Debub is situated in the southern part of the country. It’s a largely rural region where access to safe water is a daily challenge and too often people have to rely on unprotected wells, lakes and other open water sources that are highly susceptible to contamination.
Project's outcome
The project, run by Zoba Debub Community, repairs the community's critical water infrastructure and ensures that the hand pumps provide clean, safe water. Community members assist technicians in the repair and maintenance of the hand pump through specific training given to a Water Resource Committee who are responsible for managing the boreholes. Providing a clean water source has eliminated the need to boil water, displacing the use of firewood and the subsequent smoke pollution; and thereby improving the health of those responsible for boiling water and their families.
Fact File
🌲 26 project sites across 2 regions
🐦 Provides habitat for local wildlife
💼 Local employment for those living in poverty
Furthr Contribution
Annual Carbon Prevented
150,000 tonnes
Project Location
SDG Certifications

Good Health & Wellbeing: 95% reduction in home fumes

Gender Equality: Average of 1h saved per day for female population using the devices

Clean Water & Sanitation: Over 44k people receive access to water due to program

Climate Action: Move away from boiling water provides emission reduction.