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madagascar reforestation

madagascar reforestation

madagascar reforestation

madagascar reforestation
Ankarafantsika Reforestation

Site Size
825 hectares

Solution Type
Team Size

About this Project
Located in the Mahajanga region of Madagascar, the Ankarafantsika 3 planting site comprises 825 hectares of dry deciduous forest within Ankarafantsika National Park. The landscape, a mosaic of dry forests and savannahs, provides essential habitat for threatened and endangered wildlife.
What is the issue?
The primary causes of forest degradation at Ankarafantsika 3 are human driven extraction for charcoal production and land clearing for agriculture. Much of this site has been severely degraded. However, healthy, old-growth forest remains nearby, making this a critical area for restoration and protection. The primary villages, Ambikakely and Ampombilava, are home to over 460 people, most of whom are farmers or produce charcoal.
How can you help?
For individuals: Subscribe to the Furthr Platform and support this project's development.
For Businesses: Choose this project for your protected company's reforestation site or employees’ benefit.
Fact File
👨👩👦👦 Local Population of more that 460 people
🌱 4 different tree species planted on the site, including Adansonia, also referred to as baobab, Artocarpus heterophyllus, commonly known as the Jack Tree, and Cedrelopsis grevei, used in traditional medicine in the treatment of fever and malaria.
🦅 Provides habitat for local wildlife, including flagship species such as the Madagascar Fish Eagle, a large bird of prey, and Coquerel's Sifaka Lemur
Partnerships & Certification

Project Location
SDG Contributions

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