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We're always keen to talk to you about our service! If you have any question that you don't see answered below, please just ping us via live chat or email.
How do you ensure that the local populations are cared for?First and foremost, this is done through fair wage employment in exchange for the planting, nurturing and guarding of the forests. So far, Eden Reforestation Projects estimates that it has provided 2 million working days for indigenous communities across the globe. Local communities also benefit from many aspects of the wider reforestation projects, for instance access to fruits that they can then harvest and resell.
Does Furthr fund projects in the UK or Europe?Increasingly, yes. At this current point in time, we fund UK and Europe-based reforestation for our business partners. Very soon, we will be opening up UK & EU-based reforestation options for our entire community.
How do you track how many trees you have planted and whether or not they survived?Furthr will only ever work with organisations who put priority on tracking the planting, growth and survivorship of the trees planted. It is as important to us - and to them - as it is to yourself. The planting monitoring itself is done by the teams on the ground. In involves human tallying of the number of trees put into the ground. Eden Reforestation Projects and all our other reforestation partners are regularly audited to ensure that the claimed number of trees tallied and monitored by the field teams indeed does match the number of trees planted. You will find more information about standard site scoping and monitoring here.
Is reforestation a type of carbon offsetting?Yes, it is! However, as part of our standard packages for individuals, we fund clean energy offsets and protected reforestation, with the protected reforestation sitting outside of offset schemes. This is because: 1. High-quality offset-accredited reforestation costs a fair chunk of cash, given the funding needed to track the carbon sequestration over the long-term along with dealing with the various pieces of administration that exist alongside the offset accrediations. To note, these offsets are also a commodity vs a donation. 2. Our standard reforestation doesn't constitute offsets because the carbon sequestration is not tracked - your trees still sequester carbon when they are grown enough to do so (3-5 years). 3. We've always been told by our community that a mixture between the two solutions - reforestation and clean energy offsets - is the best. For business clients, we do offer nature-based offsets in the form of afforestation/reforestation. However this would just make our packages financially complex when purchased by an individual.
How do you ensure my trees are protected?The long-term protection of the forests we plant is of the utmost importance to us: 1. Work is carried out locally with all levels of government needed to secure written agreements that designate the restoration sites as protected in perpetuity. 2. No planting takes place in logging areas. There is never a 100% guarantee that some form of illegal harvest will not occur. However, everything within legal limits is done to ensure the restoration sites are guaranteed to stand in perpetuity. 3. Only local villagers are hired to plant the trees. In this way, we alleviate extreme poverty within the impacted community, and ensure villagers have an economic incentive to ensure the wellbeing of the project and a sense of “ownership” over the forest restored. 4. A minimum of 10% of the trees planted are agroforestry species (fruit, fodder and construction species designed to provide food security and benefit legitimate human needs). Over time, these trees become a source of sustainable income for the teams and the wider local community. 5. Every effort is taken to supply the local villagers with alternative fuel sources (fuel-efficient dry wood stoves and solar parabolic stoves), which reduces and/or eliminates their dependence on charcoal. 6. Eden Reforestation hires forest guards as part of the projects labor force. Around 1 percent of the price of each tree is put into a fund aimed at the long-term guarding and protection of the forest sites. 7. Most significantly, we have seen the villagers fall in love with their forest. They also recognise and benefit from the restored forest through an increase in fisheries, improved farming, cleaner water and the formation of microenterprises. 8. Wherever possible, fire lanes are put in place across sites to ensure that newly planted forests are safeguarded from wildfires. We don't want to bombard you with information, but there is much, much more to say here around protection - and we would really encourage you to ping us a live chat if you have questions. However, as we are planting natural organisms in high volume, it is humanly impossible to protect every tree from succumbing to illness, else getting eaten by local wildlife, else getting illegally chopped down, etc. At the end of the day, we and our partners try our best, with the resources we have, including independent audits, to ensure the forest planted are safeguarded in the long term. Finally, it is worth noting that many of the species we plant are african native mangrove - key examples being Avincinia marina, Bruguiera gumnooshiza, Ceriops tagel and Rhizophora mucronata. These river and coastal species define the word "tough" - they are fast-growing, regenerate quickly, and their seeds (aka propragules) are dart-shaped, making them difficult to eat. As a result, natural regeneration rates have been recorded at more than 150% of the initial volume planted on some of our mangrove sites!
What types of trees do you plant and are they native?Yes, on each site we plant a vast majority of native species, and we never support monoculture reforestation. On some sites, especially the most desertified ones, non-native species are occasionally planted to encourage longer-term growth of native species. Please see here for all the types of tree species planted across our projects.
Who develops my Furthr reforestation projects?Eden Reforestation Projects: For most of our Reforestation, which takes place in Mozambique, Madagascar & Kenya, we work with Eden Reforestation Projects. We initially chose to work with Eden due to: 1. Their razor-sharp focus on providing fair wage employment - with each of your trees being planted, nurtured and protected by communities living in close proximity to the project sites themselves. To us, this truly defines Sustainable Development - and it gives us a great deal to update you about in our monthly emails! 2. The fact that Eden have such a deep focus on protecting and monitoring the trees they plant. They bring over 14 years experience in deep monitoring and verification of planting, planting methods, survivorship, natural regeneration, and even the socioeconomic impact of their reforestation projects. Eden are one of the most prominent reforestation charities on the planet, relying largely on donations from partners like us. We are fast-approaching 1m trees planted together, including across x2 designated Furthr sites (Lamahi, Nepal and Ankarafantsika, Madagascar) Bespoke Reforestation Developers / UK (Business Clients) We have an extensive network of carbon project developers - and in fact we are part-owned by carbon project developers themselves! With this in mind, for a growing number of business clients we deliver more bespoke reforestation solutions, including developers such as Everi, the Forestry Comission and the International Tree Foundation.
Why are offsetting projects not in the UK?The core quality requirement of any carbon offsetting solution is additionality - the requirement that the carbon reduction coming from the offset is unquestionably and uniquely caused by the financial funding of that very offset - and that it could not exist otherwise without the offset funding. A simpler way to put this is that the offset must be verified as taking place on a project where the funding is truly needed. Clean Energy Offsets: When we look at clean energy offsets e.g. wind, solar, hydro, cooksoves, the additionality requirement is why it's very rare to see these type of offsets existing in the UK, Europe or the west: because there is enough financial incentive (grants, investment etc) for clean energy providers to build successful clean energy projects. Of course, this is why there's already a bunch of clean energy solutions throughout the west, and therefore, how can a project developer verify that they truly need the carbon offset funding to cause the carbon reduction? To geek out on the offsetting space even more - this example above is exactly why the carbon markets were created by the UN: to distribute funding from the rich west in order to scale up carbon reduction solutions across the globe. Nature-based Reforestation Offsets: If we look of the additionality of nature-based offsetting solutions related to afforestation/reforestation, it is generally easier to verify additionality, so long as the project itself is of high quality, with both the trees and the local ecosystem being nutrured and protected properly, for the long-term. However, the key reason why most reforestation offsetting projects are based abroad from the UK & Europe is that: 1. There is generally a great deal more degraded land in the developing world 2. The land itself is generally less expensive to develop projects on - e.g. 300ha of land in the UK vs 300ha of land on the Niger Delta 3. The tree species themselves are by-and-large much more effective at sinking carbon - especially when you think about the size of the tree. Unfortunately, many of our tree species in the UK do not sequester a great deal of carbon unless they're more than 8ft tall - whereas a 4ft mangrove on the Niger Delta can bury carbon up to 35x faster than tropical rainforests Carbon Capture Offsets: Long-term carbon capture offsets can be pretty much additional everywhere - these projects provide long-term storage of carbon via chemical processes - and beleive us, there is an incredibly limited financial incentive for these projects to exist outside of carbon offsetting at this current point in time!
Do offsetting projects actually work?Yes, they absolutely do, but they need to be developed, verified and monitored by the right organisations. Similar to many projects and products, the quality outcome is driven by care, time and experience. The reason the offsetting space has received some mixed messages previously is because certain organisations in the carbon markets have seen too many dollar signs and have over-inflated carbon reduction claims. This type of behaviour becomes very obvious when you're in our market - but luckily, you'll see our approach below and it should make sense how we avoid funding any such projects. At Furthr, we have always, always taken the approach of getting close to every project we fund, and are now increasingly involved in the project build itself. We are even in fact part-owned by two well-known carbon project developers in Germany: Everi & Carbonbay. Together, Everi & Carbonbay have developed over 50 Gold Standard-accredited carbon projects across 20 separate countries, and are now building a CCB-accredited Mangrove solution on the Niger Delta, including circa 1m trees. Please see "How do you ensure your projects are of highest quality?" for more on our project due dilligence processes.
Who independently verifies your projects for their carbon reduction?Gold Standard (Circa 85% of our projects) Verra (Circa 10% of our projects - usually paired with CCB Standards) The UN's CDM (Circa 5% of our projects - and only when developed by Everi or Carbonbay)
What actually is a carbon offset?A carbon offset - also known as a carbon credit - is a commodity that represents a verified amount of physical carbon reduction or carbon removal. Both businesses and individuals can use carbon offsets to compensate for their unavoidable emissions by purchasing this commodity. Whilst some countries use carbon offsets within national/regional compliance schemes - for instance, when offsets must be purchased after a certain level of carbon has been emitted by a company - the major force of late in the carbon offset markets has been the Voluntary Carbon Markets - and if you're reading this, you're most likely considering becoming a part of these. The Voluntary Carbon Markets include businesses and individuals offsetting their unavoidable emissions over a certain timespan (monthly or yearly) because, well, it's the right thing to do! You might be a business wanting to acheive carbon neutrality through the use of high-quality offsets, or to compensate for your residual emissions within your Net Zero plan. Else, you might be an individual looking to get your own life to carbon neutral or 'climate positive'... at the end of the day, the key thing to remember with offsets is that you are fast-tracking carbon reduction solutions through your funding. We see that this can often be missed when people talk about offsets: the main benefit of any offset is that you are giving a leg-up to clean energy or nature-based solutions, in parts of the world where it has been verified that this help is additional, meaning that it is completely needed for the carbon reduction intiative to be delivered in the first place. Please see How do you ensure your projects are of highest quality? (link) for more on the additionality criteria, else What types of offsetting projects do you fund? (link) for more on the different types of solutions you can help fund with Furthr.
How do you ensure your projects are of the highest quality?This is especially paramount to Furthr given the focus we put on "on the ground" transparency for each of our projects. Unlike a standard carbon offset retailer, we are not simply reselling carbon offset projects to businesses and individuals. We are here to provide widespread education on each solution we fund, through deep content, news and tracking. By default, we would not be able to fund poor quality, in transparent offsets, as there simply wouldn't be much to communicate about! Arguably, this is especially paramount for us as a brand given the focus we put on 'on the ground' transparency from each of our projects. Unlike a standard carbon offset retailer, we're not simply reselling carbon offset projects to businesses or individuals - we're here to provide widespread education on each solution we fund through deep content schedules relating to each of those projects themselves. We would not by default be able to fund poor quality, intransparent offsets, as there simply wouldn't be much to communicate about! We ensure quality on each offset solutions by running 3 streams of Due Dilligence in parallel: Climate Quality Criteria, Risk Criteria & Content Quality Criteria. Each of these streams were built by Furthr's board, Everi & Carbonbay, who themselves are responsible for developing 60 of the highest-quality carbon offsetting projects within our industry. Climate Quality Criteria This stream focusses on each key quality criteria of an offsetting solution, when looking at its positive climate impact. Using project documentation directly from the project developer along with industry-leading accreditors (Gold Standard, Verra), we look across each quality criteria and the evidences sitting behind it. Our key Climate Quality criteria are: - Additionality: Each project we fund needs to be able to prove undeniably that the carbon reduction being funded could not have happened without the existence of the carbon offset funding itself. In other words, the offset is only a quality offset if the carbon reduction is verified as taking place on a project where the funding is truly needed, and where it couldn't have happened otherwise. A classic example of a poor-additionality project would be where there is enough market stimulus for a renewable energy company to generate relatively large profits within a commercially attractive timeframe - such as within many western nations. In these cases, a commercial renewable energy offset solution would have very dubious additionality. - Leakage: Internally, we call this Emissions Displacement: how exactly can our project developers evidence that the emissions reduction from the offset isn't simply leaked or displaced elsewhere. We immediately avoid any project type with questionable leakage evidence - for example forest protection offsets where there is no clear evidence that forest harvesting or other types of deforestation isn't thoroughly halted by the carbon offset funding. - Permanence: This criteria looks at the level of condidence we have in the fact that a particular project will actually keep the carbon out of the atmosphere for its project period and beyond. An clear example here relates to the level of protection put around afforestation sites to ensure that the carbon sequestered is lived throughout the project period. - Stakeholder Consultation: Each project we fund must take into account the commercial, social & ecological ecosystems of its locality. This is the core criteria covering any form of quality sustainable development. Stakeholder involvement builds an essential part of the initial project development process, including the set-up of grievance mechanisms for communities living local to the project sites. - Sustainable Development Goals: Each project we fund must have monitored and certified contributions to at least 3 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This runs hand-in-hand with the criteria of Stakeholder Consultation, but is the framework by which our project developers are held in delivering ongoing social, financial and health benefits within the communities they are built for. - Circularity: By default, our carbon offset accreditors (Gold Standard, Verra) do not mandate circularity on the infrastructure built as part of the project. We expect this will come in the industry soon, however we take every step to ensure that the companies sitting behind any clean energy project we fund also reuses their materials. Risk Criteria This stream focuses on ensuring we support projects with the lowest general risk threshold possible. Whilst of course our Climate Quality Criteria feed into overall risk of funding a project, our Risk Criteria focus on: - Developer Network: We largely fund carbon projects operated by our own board or our close network, which has been built by over 20 years of professional experience and knowledge sharing. When this is not possible (for example, when there are no offset issuances available during a certain period of time), Everi & Carbonbay's team will vet any project developer we express an interest to bring on. - Anti-Corruption: Given many offsetting solutions live offshore from the west, we thoroughly assess each project we fund for potential corruption risks. - Developer Experience: We work with developers when they have already built at least 2 successful implementations sitting under the same solution type previously. Within the carbon project development industry, functional experience is key. - Natural Ecosystem: Within afforestation/reforestation solutions, there are a number of invasive projects type that we do not fund. An example of these is a pure eucalyptus plantation without natural irrigation or natural water defenses. Content Criteria This stream focuses on the quality of content our team is able to generate with our teams on the ground. You can also see this stream as 'How close are we to the project?' - Team Access: are we able to access the team themselves on an ongoing basis for interviews and question answers? - Existing Content: how much of a focus do the team have on generating content? For instance, is there an ambition to generate drone footage or video content? - Macro Content: how exciting is the macro context to the solution to our community? Please feel free to message us on live chat to dive more into any of our carbon due diligence streams.
What types of offsetting projects do you fund?We fund highest-quality carbon offsets across clean energy, reforestation and - occasionally - chemical carbon capture. Clean Energy Offsets: These projects focus on scaling up clean energy solutions around the globe, whilst delivering monitored social impact benefits. Classic examples here are small-scale hydro, small-scale solar, clean cookstove distribution & safe water access. Nature-based Reforestation Offsets: We fund select reforestation offsets around the globe too. These projects plant new protected trees across degraded land, with offsets being issued once the trees start to sequester carbon. Tech-based Carbon Capture Offsets: We also support - occasionally, but increasingly - some innovative carbon capture solutions. These solutions extract CO2 from human-made processes before storing it into specific facilities. Largely, these solutions come with a massive price tag which means that we tend to fund them only with particularly engaged business client. As time passes, we will start to bring these into our core carbon portfolios - as is made necessary by the Oxford Principles for Net Zero aligned Carbon Offsetting.
I'm a business - can I calculate my emissions with you?Yes! We have delivered throrough and affordable emissions accounting for businesses of 10 staff, all the way up to 4000-headcount New York Stock Exchange-listed insurance firms. Please get in touch with us via live chat so we're able to demo you our emissions accounting software - which includes over 10,000 local-level emissions factors to calculate your corporate or product lifecycle emissions.
How do you calculate my personal carbon footprint?Please have a read of our carbon assumptions page to understand how we calculate your footprint and what data sources we use - these are regularly updated as more recent data is released year-on-year.
How do you calculate what my carbon offset is equivalent to in the app?We know how much carbon you've offset via your susbcription, and we then match that with the latest available studies on the emissions coming from key behaviours e.g. streaming TV or films. Please see our assumptions made here.
How do you know what an average Carbon Footprint is?We use the latest available data from the worldwide emissions measurement charity Global Carbon Project on UK per capita CO2 emissions from consumption of goods and services. We use UK average data as it has some of the most up to date monitoring in place for day to day emissions, and has average values very similar to the rest of Western Europe where our subscribers are based. If you feel any particular value listed in the questionnaire is incorrect, let us know and we can adjust your personal footprint to reflect any specific measures you have in place to reduce emissions(specific home power system, circular fashion brands used, etc). This figure is 8.3 tonnes annually for one UK individual, so we divide this by 12 to get our monthly data: 0.692. The Importance of Global Carbon Project's data Global Carbon Project supply what's known as 'consumption' emissions data, which reflects the carbon emissions caused by our consumption of goods and services imported from overseas as well as from within the UK. In a world where we're often using imported products, this gives a more realistic and thorough representation of our true, end-to-end carbon footprint. To see an overview of the Global Carbon Project, please click here. To see more detail on Consumption-based Emissions, please click here.
Are you a registered charity or non profit?Nope - we're a social enterprise who drive sustainability funding into climate projects. Given that the core purpose of our initiative is to maximise our long-term positive climate impact through these climate projects, we chose to be a limited company due to the scalability and flexibility this provides us vs a registered charity. As a limited company, we don't need to rely largely on government grants or donors and are instead able to create a self-sustaining system of long-term climate funding. Whether we like it or not, money talks. Of course, making a profit from this initiative is not our core aim here, and when compared to other suppliers in our space, we donate a significantly higher percentage of monthly subscriptions to projects to ensure the biggest impact possible. Please take a look at our Transparency page to see how our subscriptions are broken down, noting that every piece of project funding goes directly into the projects themselves.
How big is your team?Currently, there are 12 of us in the team including our board.
What is your refund policy for subscriptions?We understand that right now is a difficult time for a lot of people so by default we will always refund your last month if you forgot to unsubscribe - please just drop us a message on live chat or email us Default for Subscription Cancellations If you cancel your subscription in the middle of your subscription month (timed each month after the date on which you signed up), we will refund you for that month if it takes place before our monthly reforestation rounds (towards the end of the month). For Upgrades/Downgrades or Swapping of plans If you upgrade/downgrade or swap your type of subscription in the middle of your subscription month, your old subscription will be active until the end of its subscription month and your new plan will be active from the next payment you make in your subscription. You can see all the details within your account section and we're always here to help.
Who started Furthr and why?Furthr was started by Henry Bishop back in 2020, with a pure mission to create a large-scale force of Net Zero-aligned, transparent climate action across the globe. Everything you see here is part of an ongoing plan to eventually enable each and every individual to have a positive climate impact over the course of their lives. Yes, purchasing offsets and reforestation is a great thing to do, but our true, long-term mission is to actually get you engaged in the app and reducing your emissions over the long-run. We know an increasing number of people are worried about the climate, and yes, we hope our platform truly enables you to see and feel the positive difference you're making. But we also want to get you changing your behaviours, changing your friends behaviours and even get involved in community action. That's our long-term goal - in parallel to becoming a key global fund of positive climate projects.
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